Christmas Alphabet
Christmas Alphabet
Christmas Alphabet M
Episode M of The Christmas Alphabet Podcast.
Christmas Alphabet is all about Christmas - in alphabetical order.
Every two weeks there's a new episode about Christmas: history, memories and music, all starting with one letter of the alphabet.
The podcast is written and hosted by Wayne - an author, broadcaster and Baptist pastor in Manchester, UK.
This time we look at Christmas starting with the letter M.
We're exploring: Merry Christmas, Mary and the Manger, the Magi and their Myrrh. We're trying some Mince pies, going to Midnight Mass and the Christmas Markets for some Mulled wine and watching Miracle on 34th Street. Then there's a whole catalogue of Christmas songs including hits by Justin Bieber, Shaking Stevens and Cliff Richard. We have a listen to Mary's Boy Child and Mary Did You Know?
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email wayne@christmasalphabet.com